Guild Charter

Chaotic Uniformity is a group formed by a few friends back in 2011. Throughout the years, our main goal has always been to make more friends and enjoy whatever it is we decide to play! This time around, we are excited to experience what WoW Classic has to offer, and we are looking for more members to join us on this journey. We don’t have many rules or requirements outside these few:

1. Don’t disrespect fellow guild members. If any beef comes up (which it really shouldn’t) bring it up with an officer and we can handle it. We are all here to have fun!

2. Don’t disrespect other players in general. If you choose to be part of Chaotic, you will be personally representing our community, and we are here to get along.

As I stated, we don’t have many rules at all. As we experience Classic together, that might change, but our main prerogative is to work together and enjoy our time in Azeroth.